2657 photos
Visitors 1211

Guestbook for Sam Bailey Photography
Hi,Sam!It's Cherry.Your host kid.You are really a good photographer.You are really good at it.Hope you enjoy it and have good fun.I miss you all.
Lisa (Raine)(non-registered)
I'm a friend of Shel's from k-drama land and she referred me to your site. This is some stunning work.
Karl and Julianna(non-registered)
What beautiful photos! We enjoyed perusing through your website and admiring what you have here. Thank you for taking the time to share your talent!
Lynn Cooper(non-registered)
Love your photos. You're such an artist!!! The angle, the light, the balance, are all so perfect. You have such a good eye for this! Thanks for sharing!
Cathe Day(non-registered)